The little book of value investing goodreads

the little book of value investing goodreads

While it is an entertaining and informative read, many important areas are glossed over such as taxes, asset allocation in general, the integration of investing with other financial planning issues and the development of alternate investment vehicles. That’s understandable; this is a slim book and going into taxes and retirement funds and exactly where and how to buy stocks would bloat it quickly. Greenblatt spends a lot of time emphasizing this: the market goes up and down, and you will see your portfolio go down, sometimes for years consecutively. If you are always fully invested even in the height of an unfettered, over-confident bull market then you miss a central Graham tenet on how to deal with Mr. It extensively covers all the aspects value investing i.

Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist

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the little book of value investing goodreads
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James Montier displays classic dry British humor in this little guide to behavioral investing. Get A Copy. It always amazes me how a few hrs of reading can give you insights into the mental model of some of the greatest minds in a field, something that might have taken them there lifetime toodreads develop. Good and fast read Simplistic — but gets the job done in regards to the big picture. It uses last year’s earnings. The book nonetheless offers a practical approach on how to begin and end a search the little book of value investing goodreads picking value stocks. Short and deep. More Details Other editions. Process is the key 2. Figuring out how to act in the face of losses is one of the biggest challenges any investor can face. Perhaps I’m biased given that I’ve read other books with Having read other books of the «little book» series about investing I’m a bit disappointed about this one. And, that invseting what this book is .
